
Sunday, November 6, 2011

A movie to Buzz about: The Sting

I love old movies. This week, I watched "The Sting" a movie starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman, two gangsters in 1930's Chicago who come up with a scheme to swindle  criminal, irish banker Robert Shaw.

If you revel at the idea of poker, booze and guns..
you've found your next "must see" flick.

Robert Redford (right) He's like the 70's Brad Pitt...

Lonnegan (played by Shaw) looking upset with the way the poker game is going...
it's because you're getting SCAMMED homie!

Round table discussion over beer and poker. 
Back in the day, this is how bit-ness (business) was done!

The end has a funny (unpredictable) twist when Redford and Newman (shown above smirking) create the ultimate plan to outsmart Lonnegan.

It's certainly worth watching to see what they came up with!

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