
Thursday, January 12, 2012

New real estate technology from Live Open House!

Live Open House, a New York- based real estate marketing company has recently developed an exciting new touch screen software. The product, called "LOH Vision" will be displayed in the windows of realty offices. Passersby can interact with LOH Vision to view listings in their neighborhood.

"It's a different way for people to connect with brokerages," said Vernon Jones, CEO of LOH and Brooklyn native. "It allows brokerages to catch people organically on the street while they are walking" Vernon also describes LOH Vision as "a marriage between interactive hardware and user- friendly real estate marketing software".  One thing is for sure, window cleaners will be pleased about the interface. To see LOH Vision up close and personal, visit Rapid Realty at 104 Washington Place in the West Village.

1 comment:

  1. I so wanna have this in my house. I recently travelled to Argentina and got an apartment rental in Buenos Aires. The place had a touch screen tv with a new software that it was fun because of the colors and the distribuition of the options. I loved it!
